We have inspected and tested over 25000 roof systems.
We are Professional Scientists and Engineers.
We are the UK’s most experienced Company in terms of carrying out Leak Finding Inspections on large flat roof systems. If you have a problem that is proving difficult to resolve then give us a call.
Want to be able to analyse and track the performance of building envelope systems (in particular large flat roof systems), to identify potential problems before they end up costing you a lot of time and money?
(Rope access and specialist inspection)
We are trained for and capable of carrying out safely the most difficult inspections. We can save you time and money by removing he need for costly scaffolding and / or expensive and unwieldy MEWPs
'RoofScore', BDAS's one-of-a-kind, quantitative analysis tool for measuring and ranking objectively roof system condition and performance, enabling owners and managers to target optimally their maintenance spends.
'RoofScore' can also help you to minimise whole-life environmental costs. Turn your roof systems into REAL 'green' roofs with 'RoofScore'.
Dr J McPhillimy
MPhys PhD
Dr M McPhillimy
MEng EngD
Eur Ing J McPhillimy
Registered in Scotland: SC422045
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